Hugs' build system

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at
Fri Mar 23 12:16:30 EDT 2007

Sven Panne <sven.panne at> wrote:

> Further investigation show that the problematic commit is probably:
>   date: 2006-08-10 19:31:47 +0200;  author: ross;  state: Exp;
>   split off generation of the compatibility libraries into
>   tools/make_oldlib
> If I see this correctly, tools/make_oldlib was introduced then, and
> removed a  few months later:
>   date: 2006-11-24 14:12:16 +0100;  author: ross;  state: dead; 
>   lines: +0 -0; remove unused script
> I am not sure why this should be a problem, but playing around with
> tailor's  start-revision strongly suggests this.

Hmm, when I 'CVS update' to any date between those two commits, my repo
does not contain tools/make_oldlib!  Perhaps the CVS Attic has been
disturbed, such that the file no longer exists in any revision?  That
might certainly confuse tailor.


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