Hugs on Windows, FFI

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Fri Sep 9 08:22:56 EDT 2005


Running "make check" I get the following, dropping most of the
begining since it seems sensible enough. Apparently this should show
if FFI works on Windows?




/bin/cp hugs-ug.css users_guide
test -z '' || \
   --dsl hugs-ug.dsl users_guide.sgml
make[2]: Leaving directory `/d/sources/hugs/hugs98/docs/users_guide'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/d/sources/hugs/hugs98/docs'
cd tests && sh testScript | egrep -v '^--( |-----)'
./../src/hugs +q -w -pHugs: static/mod154.hs < nul
expected stdout not matched by reality
*** static/Loaded.output        Fri Jul 19 23:41:51 2002
--- /tmp/runtest4056.3  Fri Sep  9 12:38:19 2005
*** 1,2 ****
! Type :? for help
  Hugs:[Leaving Hugs]
--- 1,3 ----
! ERROR "static/mod154.hs" - Conflicting exports of entity "sort"
! *** Could refer to Data.List.sort or M.sort
  Hugs:[Leaving Hugs]
./../src/hugs +q -w -pHugs: rts/read.hs < rts/read.input
expected stdout not matched by reality
*** rts/read.output     Fri Jul 18 14:43:51 2003
--- /tmp/runtest4060.3  Fri Sep  9 12:38:46 2005
*** 28,32 ****
! Hugs:2.384186e-07
! Hugs:-3.10862446895044e-15
  Hugs:[Leaving Hugs]
--- 28,32 ----
! Hugs:2.384186e-007
! Hugs:-3.10862446895044e-015
  Hugs:[Leaving Hugs]
./../src/hugs +q -w -pHugs: rts/arith.hs < rts/arith.input
expected stdout not matched by reality
*** rts/arith.output    Fri Jul 18 14:43:50 2003
--- /tmp/runtest1228.3  Fri Sep  9 12:38:47 2005
*** 36,39 ****
! Hugs:"[1.666667,-1.666667,-0.0,0.0,-1.666667,1.666667]"
! Hugs:"inf"
--- 36,39 ----
! Hugs:"[1.666667,-1.666667,0.0,0.0,-1.666667,1.666667]"
! Hugs:"1.#INF"
./../src/hugs +q -w -pHugs: ffi/FileIO.hs < ffi/FileIO.input
expected stdout not matched by reality
*** ffi/FileIO.output   Wed Aug 31 14:56:18 2005
--- /tmp/runtest2412.3  Fri Sep  9 12:39:03 2005
*** 10,12 ****
  import Foreign.C.String
! import System.Directory (removeFile)
--- 10,12 ----
  import Foreign.C.String
! import System.Directory (remo
./../src/hugs +q -w -pHugs: Directory libs/dirTest.hs < libs/dirTest.input
expected stdout not matched by reality
*** libs/dirTest.output Sat Jan 10 12:47:32 2004
--- /tmp/runtest2104.3  Fri Sep  9 12:39:38 2005
*** 18,22 ****
  Hugs:Permissions {readable = True, writable = True, executable =
False, search                                             able = True}
! Permissions {readable = True, writable = True, executable = False,
searchable                                              = False}
! Permissions {readable = False, writable = True, executable = False,
searchable                                              = False}
! got expected IO error
--- 18,22 ----
  Hugs:Permissions {readable = True, writable = True, executable =
False, search                                             able = True}
! Permissions {readable = True, writable = True, executable = True,
searchable =                                              False}
! Permissions {readable = True, writable = True, executable = True,
searchable =                                              False}
! dir7_test_dir/a: Directory.removeFile: permission denied

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