cvs commit: hugs98/src/winhugs DlgMain.c RtfWindow.c RtfWindow.h resrc1.h winhugs.rc

Ross Paterson ross at
Wed Sep 7 07:25:00 EDT 2005

ross        2005/09/07 04:25:00 PDT

  Modified files:
    src/winhugs          DlgMain.c RtfWindow.c RtfWindow.h 
                         resrc1.h winhugs.rc 
  from Neil Mitchell: clean up menus, implement all the previously
  unimplemented menu items, and add a Clear Screen entry, which deletes
  your command history.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +27 -136   hugs98/src/winhugs/DlgMain.c
  1.3       +42 -5     hugs98/src/winhugs/RtfWindow.c
  1.2       +5 -0      hugs98/src/winhugs/RtfWindow.h
  1.4       +5 -1      hugs98/src/winhugs/resrc1.h
  1.18      +10 -11    hugs98/src/winhugs/winhugs.rc

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