WinHugs, Editors.c

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Tue Sep 6 06:32:53 EDT 2005


This patch splits off the editors list from the DlgOptions, and puts
it in a separate file, Editors.c, so as not to swamp the main options.
It also reworks this file to make it easier and quicker to add
additional editors. It also adds support for the Syn editor.


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    Editors - detect installed editors and their command line
    Used by the options dialog

#include "Header.h"
#include <stdio.h>


BOOL RegGet(HKEY Key, LPCTSTR Subkey, LPTSTR Buffer)
    LONG Size = MAX_PATH;
    return (RegQueryValue(Key, Subkey, Buffer, &Size) == ERROR_SUCCESS);


BOOL CalcNotepad(LPTSTR Buffer)
    GetWindowsDirectory(Buffer, MAX_PATH);
    strcat(Buffer, "\\notepad.exe");
    return TRUE;

BOOL CalcTextpad(LPTSTR Buffer)
    //[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\TextPad.exe]
    //@="D:\\Program Files\\TextPad 4\\TextPad.exe"

    char* s;
	"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\TextPad.exe",
	Buffer)) return FALSE;

    s = strrchr(Buffer, '\\');
    if (s == NULL) return FALSE;
    strcpy(&s[1], "System\\DDEOPN32.EXE TextPad %s(%d)");
    return TRUE;

BOOL CalcVim(LPTSTR Buffer)
    // x = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Vim.Application\CLSID
    // vi = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\$x$\LocalServer32
    // cmd = "$vi$" +%d %s
    char Buf2[1000];

	Buffer)) return FALSE;

    sprintf(Buf2, "SOFTWARE\\Classes\\CLSID\\%s\\LocalServer32", Buffer);
    if (!RegGet(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Buf2, &Buffer[1]))
	return FALSE;

    Buffer[0] = '\"';
    strcat(Buffer, "\" --remote-silent +%d %s");
    return TRUE;

BOOL CalcSyn(LPTSTR Buffer)
    Buffer[0] = '\"';
    if (!RegGet(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
        "Software\\Ascher\\Syn", &Buffer[1])) return FALSE;
    strcat(Buffer, "\" -line %d \"%s\"");
    return TRUE;

// A list of the editors
    LPCTSTR Name;
    BOOL (*Func)(LPSTR Buffer);
const Editors[] = {
    {"Notepad", CalcNotepad},
    {"Textpad (", CalcTextpad},
    {"Vim (", CalcVim},
    {"Syn (", CalcSyn},
    {NULL, NULL}

// Index is 0 based, which editor to return
// Buffer is the result, the path to the editor.
// Buffer[0] = 0 means this editor is not installed
// Return is the name of the editor.
// Return = NULL implies no more editors
LPCTSTR GetEditor(int Index, LPTSTR Buffer)
    Buffer[0] = 0;
    if (Editors[Index].Name == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if (!Editors[Index].Func(Buffer))
        Buffer[0] = 0;
    return Editors[Index].Name;

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