Offer to help with WinHugs

ross at ross at
Fri May 20 18:48:00 EDT 2005

On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 07:43:31PM +0000, Neil Mitchell wrote:
> I debated over this with a friend, and we couldn't find a cleaner
> place to put the console intercepts. Before unicode happened
> intercepting fgetc worked. Now, with unicode defined, fgetc_mb is used
> - which is a defined function, not a library call. Since Wintext.h is
> imported *before* char.h, its then impossible to redefine fgetc_mb as
> something else (because the prototype and the declaration both use
> fgetc_mb, so would be redefined anyway, and defeat the purpose).
> Because of this the redefine's must occur after char.h is imported -
> and the cleanest place to ensure this is at the bottom of char.h.
> [...]
> As to how the WinHugs console emulator works with unicode, I have no
> idea. I wouldn't even like to take a guess. My first task is going to
> be to simplify, reduce and refactor the WinHugs code. After that, I'll
> take a look at the console and see if a replacement using Windows Rich
> Text control would work (which gives Unicode and lots of other nice
> features for free), or if the console can be extended to unicode
> (should be relatively easy).

So should it be enough to just turn off CHAR_ENCODING for WinHugs
until you're ready to do Unicode handling properly?  Hmm, I don't
see how it got turned on: winhugs/options.h doesn't mention it.

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