cvs commit: hugs98/src array.c builtin.c connect.h dirprim.c interns.c iomonad.c static.c stmonad.c timeprim.c

Alastair Reid
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 18:16:26 +0000

ps If you are contemplating significant changes to the concurrency
code, there's a minor issue which it would be nice to fix while in

At present, there are separate thread queues for 'main' and for each
invocation of 'unsafePerformIO'.  This means that any threads spawned
while running in 'unsafePerformIO' must complete (or block) before
unsafePerformIO returns and any runnable threads spawned 'outside' the
unsafePerformIO will not be scheduled until the unsafePerformIO

I think that it would be better to have a single queue of runnable
