New cabal-install release (and schedule) needed

Andres Löh andres at
Mon Aug 27 23:00:20 CEST 2012

> Development takes place on the master branch which is, some time
> before the release, forked into a cabal-x.y branch. The cabal-x.y
> branch will only receive bug fixes up til the release. General
> development (i.e. new features) continue going in to the master branch
> at all times. We need to merge bug fixes from the cabal-x.y branch
> back into master, at a minimum after the release of that branch.
> The benefit here is that we don't disuade people from contributing by
> holding their patches in review limbo for a month. Also, it reduces
> the merge pain if everyone tries to merge their patches at once after
> a month of development.

Apart from a fixed-schedule release cycle, how's this model different
from the model we use now?


Andres Löh, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP,

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