Cabal bugs

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at
Fri Mar 7 08:48:41 EST 2008

Duncan Coutts <duncan.coutts at> wrote:

> That tells us what package names and versions are installed but it
> doesn't help with finding out what the installed packages depend on or
> what cpp flags they used or anything else. For that we need the
> InstalledPackageInfo rather than the unconfigured .cabal files.

With respect, the nhc98 compiler neither has nor uses an
InstalledPackageInfo for any package.  If Cabal wants that information,
Cabal should (a) generate it, and (b) store it.  I don't see the point
of duplicating all that machinery in nhc98, when we don't need it.
Cabal is the package manager, after all.


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