patch applied (cabal): Simplify smartCopySources using findFileWithExtension' and copyFiles

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Thu Jan 31 08:49:27 EST 2008

Tue Jan 29 16:01:29 PST 2008  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Simplify smartCopySources using findFileWithExtension' and copyFiles
  Previously it used moduleToFilePath2 which returns all the locations in which
  a source file is found, in different search dirs and with different extensions
  and it just collected all these locations. This is totally bogus since we do
  not want to copy multiple source files per-module, only one of them could have
  been used to be pre-processed into the final source module. This is one
  example of how almost every use of moduleToFilePath is convoluted or broken.
  This function it still used for too many different purposes, witness the two
  flags to customise its behaviour which at all call sites are constants.

    M ./Distribution/Simple/Utils.hs -17 +13

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