[C2hs] C2HS Failure on stdio.h on Mac OS X 10.4

Matthew Cox matt at mattcox.ca
Thu Jul 14 17:43:45 EDT 2005

I was trying to get gtk2hs into darwinports. The build was going fine  
until it errored out with this failure:

> ./tools/c2hs/c2hsLocal +RTS -H50m -M80m -RTS -C-I/opt/local/include/ 
> glib-2.0 -C-I/opt/local/lib/glib-2.0/include -C-DXTHREADS -C-I/opt/ 
> local/include/gtk-2.0 -C-I/opt/local/lib/gtk-2.0/include -C-I/usr/ 
> X11R6/include -C-I/opt/local/include/pango-1.0 -C-I/opt/local/ 
> include/freetype2 -C-I/opt/local/include/atk-1.0 --cppopts='- 
> include "gtk2hs-config.h"' --precomp=gtk/gtk.precomp gtk/gtk.h
> elapsed time: 0.02 (start)
> elapsed time: 0.02 (about to parse headder)
> c2hsLocal: Error in C header file.
> /usr/include/stdio.h:258: (column 42) [FATAL]
>   >>> Syntax error!
>   The symbol `__asm' does not fit here.
> make[2]: *** [gtk/gtk.precomp] Error 1

I know that the gtk2hs guys built a new parser/lexer, and it appears  
indeed to be a parse error. C

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