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<div>I am a Linux user (Mint 18) trying to install Idris. I don't know the slightest thing about computers. I barely managed to install Linux, and later the full GHC, based on ample instructions available on the Web. (Still don't actually recall how I did it!)</div>
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<div>Idris, however, seems a little trickier. I followed the website (https://www.idris-lang.org/download/)'s instructions:</div>
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<div>cabal update<br/>
cabal install idris</div>
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<div>...because apparently I installed "cabal" at some point. But I get this message, which apparently is quite common:</div>
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<div>cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the reinstalls:<br/>
Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.</div>
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<div>...those are some of my favorite things! I can't live without them! I am reading things about creating a "sandbox" and so forth. But I cannot use or make sense of this information. I don't know the first thing about cabal; I never use it; I just load everything into GHCI all the time.</div>
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<div>Does anyone have some *specific* instructions that I can follow (as "rotely" and dumbly as possible) to get Idris downloaded so I can use it for some beginning studies, without breaking Haskell?</div>