<font color='black' size='2' face='arial'><font size="2">Hi,<br>
So I have a data instance which contains a few big matrices, and I want to save my instance to a file so I can `read` it back later<br>
to avoid the long computation every time (I'm training a recurrent neural network).<br>
First attempt, the simplest method:<br>
<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> writeFile "rnn" (show dataInstance)</font><br>
It starts to take all of the memory and then bails out with `out-of-memory` error.<br>
So I wrote a function to write the string chunk by chunk, without buffering, here is the code:<br>
Copy/pasted from the link:</font><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><br>
</font><pre><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> saveRecurrent :: FilePath -> String -> Int -> IO ()
saveRecurrent path str chunkSize = do
handle <- openFile path AppendMode
hSetBuffering handle NoBuffering
loop handle str
hClose handle
loop _ [] = return ()
loop handle s = do
hPutStr handle $ take chunkSize s
hFlush handle
loop handle $ drop chunkSize s<br>
<font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">But it doesn't work either, I still get `out-of-memory` errors. From what I understand, this should work, but it isn't.<br>
I asked on IRC and someone said "Show is not lazy <i>enough</i>", if that's the case, I would appreciate an explanation of that.<br>