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Hello, <br>
According to the manual of the CIS 194 course I have to do this in
GHCI : testParse parse 10 "error.log" <br>
This to test my code.<br>
Now my problem is that I cannot use GHCI because I use Fpcomplete. <br>
So I thought I will use main for this : <br>
So I tried this : <br>
main :: IO ()<br>
main = do<br>
print $ testParse parse 10 "error.log"<br>
but then I see this error message : <br>
<div class="ide-error-span">src/LogAnalysis.hs@39:4-39:9 </div>
<div class="ide-error-msg"><span>No instance for (Show (IO
[LogMessage])) arising from a use of </span>
<div class="CodeMirror cm-s-default" style="font-size: 14px;"><span
<span title="Click to show/hide extra information"
class="ide-error-collapse-btn"> …</span><span style="display:
In the expression: print
In a stmt of a 'do' block: print $ testParse parse 10
In the expression: do { print $ testParse parse 10 "error.log" }</span></div>
The testparse function looks like this : <br>
-- | @testParse p n f@ tests the log file parser @p@ by running it<br>
-- on the first @n@ lines of file @f@.<br>
testParse :: (String -> [LogMessage])<br>
-> Int<br>
-> FilePath<br>
-> IO [LogMessage]<br>
testParse parse n file = take n . parse <$> readFile file<br>