[Haskell-beginners] Understanding reason for Monad

Travis Cardwell travis.cardwell at extrema.is
Mon Feb 27 11:53:28 UTC 2023

Hi Pietro,

The example in my previous message is that of a web application where
the user registration request handler needs to write to a database as
well as perform logging.  In a production server, connecting to a
database usually requires some configuration, and a pool of database
connections is kept open and reused for improved performance.
Similarly, logging may require configuration that the whole application
needs to use in order to log consistently, and a resource may be kept
open depending on how logging is configured.  The server can initialize
this state and provide it to various components such as request
handlers.  This state is what I referred to as a "context."  It can be
passed explicitly as arguments, but there are various other ways to
manage it.

For example, one popular design is to use a "Reader" monad, which
essentially passes the state as an implicit argument to all functions
that use the monad.  Type classes such as `MonadDatabase` or
`MonadLogger` may provide database and logging APIs utilizing the state
made available by the Reader.

Providing a meaningful minimal example is difficult because this type
of abstraction is most beneficial in large applications, but here is a
Reader example that is minimal for the points that I want to make:

    module Main (main) where

    -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base
    import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
    import Data.Bool (bool)
    import System.Environment (getArgs)

    -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers
    import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(runReaderT), asks)

    data Locale = En | It

    class HasLocale a where
      getLocale :: a -> Locale

    instance HasLocale Locale where
      getLocale = id

    class MonadLocale m where
      askLocale :: m Locale

    instance (HasLocale r, Monad m) => MonadLocale (ReaderT r m) where
      askLocale = asks getLocale

    putLanguage :: (MonadIO m, MonadLocale m) => m ()
    putLanguage = do
        locale <- askLocale
        liftIO . putStrLn $ case locale of
          En -> "English"
          It -> "Italiano"

    putHelloWorld :: (MonadIO m, MonadLocale m) => m ()
    putHelloWorld = do
        locale  <- askLocale
        liftIO . putStrLn $ case locale of
          En -> "Hello world!"
          It -> "Ciao mondo!"

    app :: (MonadIO m, MonadLocale m) => m ()
    app = do

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        locale <- bool En It . elem "--it" <$> getArgs
        runReaderT app locale

In this example, the state/context is simply a `Locale` value, which
defaults to `En`.  The `main` function checks if string `--it` is passed
as an argument and configures the locale to `It` in that case.

The final line runs the `app` function using a `ReaderT` monad
transformer with the locale as the "environment."  The `app` function,
as well as all functions that it calls in the same monad, have access to
this environment.

Type class `HasLocale` just provides a `getLocale` function for getting
a `Locale` value from some possibly larger value.  The instance is the
trivial case of `Locale` itself.

Type class `MonadLocale` provides a locale API, just `askLocale` in this
case.  In a monad that implements `MonadLocale`, the `askLocale`
function is able to get the locale.  The instance provides a way to do
this in a Reader monad that has an environment with a `HasLocale`
instance.  In this minimal example, the Reader environment is a `Locale`
value, so that trivial `HasLocale` instance is used.

The remaining three functions implement the example application.  They
do not specify a concrete monad; they instead specify constraints on the
monad, allowing them to run in any monad that meets those constraints.
The `MonadIO m` constraint is required to use `liftIO . putStrLn` in
order to print to the screen, and the `MonadLocale m` constraint is
required to get the configured locale.  In this example, they are run
in concrete monad `ReaderT Locale IO`, but note that they could also be
run in different monads as long as the constraints are satisfied.

The `app` function calls `putLanguage` and then `putHelloWorld`, and
both of these functions are able to use `askLocale` to get the
configured locale.

    $ minimal-context
    Hello world!
    $ minimal-context --it
    Ciao mondo!

The architecture/design of a project/program depends on the needs.  In
some programs, explicitly passing context as arguments is the best
approach.  In others, even `MonadIO` should be avoided, since `IO` makes
anything possible.  Getting back to your original question, the use of
type classes allows a library author to implement functions that work
across a wide variety of coding styles.



On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 6:35 PM Pietro Grandinetti
<pietro.gra at hotmail.it> wrote:
> Hi Travis,
> Thanks. This was indeed helpful. I think I haven't grasped the concept of "context" yet. Do you know any minimal example that shows this?
> Thanks.

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