[Haskell-beginners] Do IO actions *have* to be glued by the do syntax?

Olumide 50295 at web.de
Tue Mar 22 11:46:00 UTC 2016

Can I also add that this sort of elitist, unhelpful quip of a 
pseudo-answer is the reason that I've largely avoided asking Haskell 
beginner questions on stackoverflow.

Haskell is a wonderful language with a steep learning curve and I 
believe that it is the intention of this group grow the user base of the 
language by create a place where beginners will not be afraid to ask 
questions. And hasty ill-thought, poorly worded answers like Quanyang's 
won't help the language get there sooner.

- Olumide

On 22/03/2016 11:36, Olumide wrote:
> Quanyang,
> do bocks are *not* sugar, and please refer to Daniel's answer for an
> example of how to answer a beginner's question.
> - Olumide
> On 22/03/2016 11:06, Quanyang Liu wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 22 2016 at 18:52:41 +0800, Olumide wrote:
>>> Hello List,
>>> Do IO actions *have* to be glued by the do syntax? Many, if not all,
>>> the examples that I've come across in LYH seem to suggest so. And if
>>> so, why?
>>> BTW, if possible I'd appreciate an explanation that does not resort to
>>> monads. I haven't studied them yet and I'm sure I'd struggle to
>>> understand any explanation that resorts to monads.
>> I think you should google that first... do blocks are just sugar...
>>> Thanks,
>>> - Olumide

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