[Haskell-beginners] cyclic dependency problem

Konstantin Saveljev konstantin.saveljev at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 15:07:13 UTC 2015

Guys, I'm so sorry. It actually turned out to be the problem with
makeLenses (from Control.Lens) which I also put into the same module. Now
that this stuff is in separate modules everything works and deriving is not
a problem. I'm so sorry for wasting you time and thank you very much for
your help.


On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Konstantin Saveljev <
konstantin.saveljev at gmail.com> wrote:

> Would this be a correct implementation?:
> {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}     -- for some reason compiler
> says to use it ?
> import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as Lazy
> instance MonadState MyState X where
>     get = X Lazy.get
>     put s = X $ Lazy.put s
> Konstantin
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Konstantin Saveljev <
> konstantin.saveljev at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I believe Francesco has a point here. I do have "deriving (MonadState
>> MyState)" which is probably causing the problem.
>> Unfortunately I'm not capable of writing the instance myself. Maybe
>> someone could help me?
>> My full declaration looks something like this:
>>     newtype X a = X (StateT MyState (ExceptT String IO) a)
>>                     deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO,
>> MonadError String, MonadState MyState)
>> If I was to remove "MonadState MyState" from the "deriving" section, how
>> would one implement it?
>> Konstantin
>> On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 4:25 PM, <amindfv at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> El Mar 5, 2015, a las 8:43, Konstantin Saveljev <
>>> konstantin.saveljev at gmail.com> escribió:
>>> > Hello,
>>> >
>>> > I'm having some trouble with cyclic dependency.
>>> >
>>> > My simplified version of hierarchy:
>>> >
>>> >     module A where
>>> >
>>> >     import MyState
>>> >
>>> >     data A a = A (StateT MyState IO a) deriving (...)
>>> >
>>> > Now there is a module MyState:
>>> >
>>> >     module MyState where
>>> >
>>> >     import SomeType
>>> >
>>> >     data MyState = MyState { st :: SomeType, ... }
>>> >
>>> > Finally the module that introduces cyclic dependency:
>>> >
>>> >     module SomeType where
>>> >
>>> >     import A
>>> >
>>> >     data SomeType = SomeType { f :: A (), ... }
>>> >
>>> > I have been suggested to move the types into one module and then
>>> import it wherever needed. But the problem is that even if I put them into
>>> one file those three data types still form a cyclic dependency and compiler
>>> throws errors saying "i don't know about this"
>>> >
>>> > So if I have a single module:
>>> >
>>> >     data A a = A (StateT MyState IO a) deriving (...)
>>> >     data MyState = MyState { st :: SomeType, ... }
>>> >     data SomeType = SomeType { f :: A (), ... }
>>> >
>>> > With this setup the compiler is gonna tell us it doesn't know about
>>> MyState. And no matter how we shuffle these types within a file we are
>>> still getting some "unknowns"
>>> >
>>> Did you try it? It should work fine -- haskell doesn't care about the
>>> order of data declarations within a file.
>>> Tom
>>> > How would one approach such a problem?
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> > Konstantin
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