[Haskell-beginners] Gtk2Hs in Windows (next question :) )

C Gosch ch.gosch at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 18 07:26:19 EDT 2010

this is a question only for the gtk2hs users on this list.
It might be the wrong list, and I could probably figure it out myself given
enough time, but I am asking anyway
just in case someone has solved the problem already:

I am trying to install gtk2hs in Windows 7 with
 cabal install gtk
on the command line (cmd.exe).
I managed to make the gtk libraries available, but the build process ends
with this error message:
 setup.exe: gtk-0.11.2: library-dirs: c:/devel/dist/win32/libpng-1.4.3-1/lib
 doesn't exist or isn't a directory (use --force to override)
 cabal.exe: Error: some packages failed to install:
 gtk-0.11.2 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure

The directory c:/devel/dist/win32/libpng-1.4.3-1/lib does in fact not exist,
and I am wondering why
it is considered at all .. I think a libpng came together with the gtk
I have tried to use --extra-lib-dirs, but that leads to the same error

Any ideas?

Thanks and my apologies if this is too gtk-/windows-specific for this list.
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