[Haskell-beginners] Re: making translation from imperative code

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Thu Apr 2 01:30:27 EDT 2009

Michael Mossey wrote:
> Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
>> Can you elaborate on what exactly the algorithm is doing? Does it just
>> emit notes/chords/symbols at given positions or does it also try to
>> arrange them nicely? And most importantly, "where" does it emit them to,
>> i.e. what's the resulting data structure?
>> So far, the problem looks like a basic fold to me.
> Here is some Haskell code that explains the problem in
> more detail.
> [...]

Thanks for the elaboration.

I think the code doesn't separate concerns very well; mixing information
about widths and times, page size and the recursion itself into one big

Also, there is one important issue, namely returning a special value
like -1 as error code in

>          tryAgain state =
>            case scoreNextTime score (time state) of
>             -1 -> indicateNoMoreChunks state
>              t -> layoutSystem' (setTime state t)

Don't do this, use  Maybe  instead

    tryAgain state = case scoreNextTime score (time state) of
        Nothing -> indicateNoMoreChunks state
        Just t  -> layoutSystem' (state { time = t })

where  Nothing  indicates failure and  Just  success.

Back to the gnarl in general, I still don't have a good grasp on the
problem domain, which is key to structuring the algorithm. Therefore,
I'll expand on toy model and you tell me how it differs from the real thing.

The model is this: we are given several lists of notes (f.i. a piano
part and a vocal line) where each note is annotated with the time it is
to be played at. We abstract away the fact that we are dealing with
musical notes and simply consider a list of *events*

    type Time     = Integer
    type Events a = [(Time, a)]

with the invariant that the timestamps are (strictly) increasing:

    valid :: Events a -> Bool
    valid xs = all $ zipWith (\(t1,_) (t2,_) -> t1 < t2) xs (drop 1 xs)

Now, the toy task is to merge several lists of similar events into one
big list that is ordered by time as well.

    merge :: [Events a] -> Events [a]

Since some events may now occur simultaneously, the events of the
results are actually lists of "primitive" events.

One possibility for implementing  merge  is to start with a function to
merge two event lists

    merge2 :: Events [a] -> Events [a] -> Events [a]
    merge2 []             ys             = ys
    merge2 xs             []             = xs
    merge2 xs@((tx,x):xt) ys@((ty,y):yt) = case compare tx ty of
          LT -> (tx,x   ) : merge2 xt ys
          EQ -> (tx,x++y) : merge2 xt yt
          GT -> (ty,   y) : merge2 xs yt

and to apply it several times

    merge = foldr merge2 [] . map lift
        where lift = map $ \(t,x) -> (t,[x])

Another possibility is to simply concatenate everything first and then
sort by time

    merge = map (\((t,x):xs) -> (t,x:map snd xs))
          . groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
          . sortBy (comparing fst)
          . concat

The code above can be made more readable by choosing nice names like

   time  = fst
   event = snd

or avoiding pairs altogether and implementing these names as record
fields. Also, the (&&&) combinator from  Control.Arrow  is very handy.

   merge = map (time . head &&& map event)
         . groupBy ((==) `on` time)
         . sortBy  (comparing time)
         . concat

I hope this gives you a few ideas to think about. How does this toy
model differ from the real thing?


PS: If some parts of my example code give you trouble, it's probably
fastest to ask around on the #haskell IRC channel.


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