[arch-haskell] xsounds is down

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Tue Feb 23 15:21:00 UTC 2016

SP writes:

> On 05/02/2016 19:39, tam at hiddenrock.com wrote:
>> I'm a bit late to the party, but can you give an idea how much
>> monthly bandwidth a mirror consumes? Thanks.
> I didn't keep statistics from when I was hosting it on my previous
> machine; Magnus might have something from xsound. GHC is about a
> gigabyte by itself plus all the other packages. The mirror will have
> to download all the updated packages, plus upload to users updating
> from that mirror.
> I speculate it will be several gigabytes a month.

The complete repo is 1.6G at the moment (it goes up and down a little
over time). I don't think the bandwidth usage is as high as several
times the complete repo size. I may be wrong though, I have no
statistics, only a gut feeling :)


Magnus Therning              OpenPGP: 0x927912051716CE39
email: magnus at therning.org   jabber: magnus at therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

If voting could really change things it would be illegal.
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